How Can a Specialist Immigration Solicitor help you?
At RKB Law, we want to ensure you know all there is to know about immigration law and how the immigration solicitors at the firm can help you, no matter what your situation.
What is UK Immigration Law?
One of the fundamental principles of the rule of law is that the law “must be accessible and so far as possible intelligible, clear and predictable”. Immigration law in the UK is however difficult to understand, with complicated badly written rules which can be changed at short notice so it’s unpredictable. There is further uncertainty due to constant changes in relation to the latest Brexit deal.
As it stands, any citizen of an EU member state can come to the UK to live and work. Post-Brexit, EU citizens will be broadly subject to same rules as non-EU citizens – depending on the terms of any future trade agreements thrashed out between the UK and EU.
The UK Immigration rules are some of the most important pieces of legislation that make up the UK’s immigration law. They are updated on a regular basis and are divided into different sections, full details of each can be found on the UK Government website.
What is the future of the UK’s Immigration System?
The government is proposing a single immigration system that treats migrants from EU countries in the same way as those from non-EU countries. Highly skilled workers who want to live and work in Britain will be given priority.
However, the government says the ability of people from trading partners to deliver services and student exchange programmes will form part of future trade agreements. Applicants will need to meet a minimum salary threshold – for highly skilled migrants this stands at £30,000.
Successful applicants for highly skilled work will be able to bring their immediate family – but only if sponsored by their future employers. For tourists and short-stay business trips, the government is looking at developing a system of e-gate visa checks for all low-risk countries. This means that passports would be scanned in airports, train stations and ports. All security and criminal records checks would be carried out in advance of visits in a US-style system. This will mostly affect the freedom of movement within the European Union.
How has the Immigration system changed?
- More citizens are visiting and staying in the UK rather than leaving
Net migration looks at the difference between the number of people arriving in the UK versus the number of citizens leaving for a 12 month period. This is the type of data the government refer to when talking about reducing the net migration in the UK.
- Poland now represents the largest EU nationality group migrating to the UK.
As it stands, visas work on a points-based system. The criteria for these visas has got tougher in recent years. For example, for a Tier2 “experienced skilled worker” visa, you now need to be paid at least £30,000 to apply, up almost £10,000 from 2011. You get more points for higher salaries or if your job is on the list of shortage occupations. Check out our previous blog about how Immigration Law Solicitors can help with visas.
Specialist Immigration Solicitors
If you are considering whether you need an immigration solicitor, RKB Law are here to help and give you the right advice and guidance you need with your application.
If you have recently entered the UK from another country and are considering staying for the foreseeable future, the chances are that you already have a list of expenses that need meeting.
We understand that visas, flights, travel and accommodation cost a lot of money and investing in an immigration solicitor can often seem out of reach. Immigration law is complex and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it, you will need the professional support and guidance from a specialist immigration solicitors. This is where we can help.
Immigration Law is complex
Most legal issues are complex but immigration law is often the most complex. An immigration solicitor in Kent, like RKB Law, can help you understand the particular rules and regulations that apply to your case and explain them to you in a way that is manageable.
Immigration Law is constantly evolving
This point is more prominent than ever, with regards to Brexit, the UK’s immigration rules are constantly under review and being changed.
Regardless of Brexit, Immigration law in the UK has major updates twice a year. Working with outdated advice found online can mean the difference between success and failure for your case. It is your immigration solicitor’s job to keep up with the latest developments and understand how they can affect your case.
Evidence gathering
In the UK, nearly three million people apply for visas every year. At least 400,000 of them are likely to be refused. If you don’t want to be one of them, it is often the evidence that you supply that makes the difference. Your immigration solicitor in Kent will understand your circumstances fully and use all the evidence available to build your case in the strongest possible way. They can also suggest avenues that you may have missed or did not know would be helpful to your case. As your application may be time sensitive, this kind of swift, expert advice is invaluable.
To seek advice and guidance with regards to your immigration case, find your immigration lawyer today. For free legal advice call our expert solicitors on 01622 541 054 or request a call back.