At RKB Law, we provide legal services across a number of areas of law and have expert solicitors to handle matters in each of these complex areas. Our team will be able to offer the support and guidance that you need for your legal matter.
If you require advice and representation, then please get in touch with us today to discuss your case.

Immigration Law can affect all aspects of our lives. We provide immigration legal services for individuals and businesses. We can help you to make an application to enter or remain in the UK based on your family life such as a spouse or parent, as a student, worker or investor. Our expert solicitors can help you navigate the complex Immigration Rules and provide clear and concise advice and assistance.

Community care law covers a broad range of subjects, but its main function is protecting access to health and social services from the NHS and local authorities for vulnerable and disabled individuals. We can assist you to access the support and services you require from local authorities/NHS such as assessments of needs, care packages, direct payments and aids and adaptations. Where necessary we can help you to challenge decisions of public bodies through judicial review.

The Court of Protection is responsible for making decisions on behalf of vulnerable individuals lacking mental capacity. Our solicitors specialise in bringing and acting in complex proceedings relating to the welfare and rights of vulnerable people in the Court of Protection. Our experience and expertise in human rights and public law enables us to take action to ensure fundamental human rights of vulnerable individuals are promoted and upheld.

Public Law is the system by which the High Court can review decisions of public bodies such as a government department, the local authority, NHS or a tribunal. If you have been affected by an unlawful, unreasonable, or irrational decision or policy by a public body, we may be able to help you challenge this decision by an application for Judicial Review. Our solicitors are experienced in Judicial Review cases.

Human Rights set out the basic level of protection everyone can expect from the state and the freedoms it provides to its citizens. Decisions made by public bodies must be underpinned by human rights law, but sometimes fundamental rights can be breached resulting in serious consequences such as deprivation of liberty. Our expert solicitors can help to take legal action to prevent a breach, hold public bodies to account and seek compensation.