Sexual Discrimination Advice

Sexual Discrimination Law Maidstone

Sexual discrimination in the workplace is unlawful under The Equality Act 2010. The public sector has been bound by “gender equality duty” since 2006, and this obliges public sector employers to promote equality in the workplace. While this is the case, thousands of individuals are still subjected to unfair discriminatory treatment in the workplace every year.

Sexual discrimination can take place by way of unpleasant comments and/or inappropriate conduct towards an individual which would not have taken place had the individual been am member of the opposite sex.

Such conduct may be considered by the tribunals and the courts as harassment if it is believed that the behavior has violated the individual’s dignity or created an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.

While many high-profile sexual discrimination and equal pay cases are covered in the national press, many still go unreported. Some victims of sexual discrimination at work are embarrassed to come forward, while many others are simply unaware of the protection they are entitled to by law.

Whatever the nature of the sex discrimination you have experienced, at RKB Law, our Eqaulity and Discrimination Law Solicitors can provide you with expert legal advice in a sensitive and understanding manner.

If you believe that you have been the victim of sex discrimination in the work place or been discriminated on this ground by a decision of a public body, we can help you to bring a claim to have any discrimination accounted for and the decision to be put right or compensation to be paid. 

For further information or to speak to one of our Eqaulity and Discrimination Law solicitors today please contact us on 01622 541 054 or fill in our enquiry form.

Useful Links

Equality and Human Rights Commission, rights under the Equality Act 2010 -

Equality and Human Rights Commission, Sexual discrimination and the Equality Act 2010 -

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